Background Checks Court Updates Human Resources Miscellany Retaining Employees Staffing Uncategorized

Updates on the Washington State Fair Chance Act

For those who conduct employment screening in Washington State, here is an update by Montserat C. Miller, Partner at Arnall Golden Gregory LLP in Washington, D.C.

Please see below–

“Washington State is the latest state to enact a Fair Chance Hiring law with a ban the box provision (meaning employers cannot ask about criminal history on the job application). The Fair Chance Act prohibits employers in Washington State from asking about criminal history on any application for employment until after the employer initially determines that the applicant is “otherwise qualified for the position.” The Governor signed HB 1298 into law, effective June 7, 2018. The law also addresses job advertisements and company policies and procedures.”

Background Checks Court Updates Criminal Records Human Resources Miscellany Staffing Uncategorized

Corra Group and County Courthouses Will Be Closed for Memorial Day Holiday

For all those conducting background checks for employment screening, please take note.

County Courts will be closed on Monday, May 29 for Memorial Day.  Corra Group will also be closed for the Memorial Day Holiday.

Our offices will return to their regular operating schedules on Tuesday, May 30.


Happy Memorial Day!

Background Checks Court Updates

Courts Closed for Election Day

Courts and County House Research offices in New Jersey will be closed today, Tuesday, November 8, 2016 for Election Day.

Courts will also be closed on Friday, November 11, 2016 for Veterans Day.
Thank you to all the men and women who have served our country in protection of our freedoms.



Background Checks Court Updates

County and Federal Courts to be Closed for Memorial Day

For those who conduct employment screening, take note that all federal and county courts will be closed on Monday, May, 30th, for Memorial Day.