Background Checks

Follow Up On Credit Background Checks

There is an ongoing controversy in several states about whether or not employers should run credit reports s part of the background checks they use in their preemployment screening programs.   I have posted some thoughts on this subject in a recent blog,  Controversy Over Credit Reports as Background Checks.

Some critics of the credit report as a background check contest that this is a draconian practice, as it inhibits many skilled and otherwise qualified employment candidates from finding jobs.  They contest that in this economic downturn where the job market is tight as it is, it is one more obstacle to finding employment they will often fail to hurdle.  They claim that job applicants are being penalized unnecessarily for personal misfortune in a  bad economy.     Some contest the practice of conducting practices is illegal, while others claim there is no evidence that discloses those with poor credit are a greater risk to embezzle or to commit some other form of office theft.

These are all valid points.   As one of my own recent critics contested, I am obviously advocating credit reports because Corra Group is just in it for the money.  Well, yes, but more significantly, we are determined to furnish the services requested from current and future clients.  These are employers.  Many have been in business for quite some time.  There is really no need to “sell,” them them employment credit reports as the great majority make the request of their own volition.   We will supply them with employment credit reports.

I admit there are no studies performed on the relation between credit reports and avoiding employee theft.   The evidence is empirical, meaning this is what employers have been telling us and other background searching agencies for quite some time.   This has been their standard practice for decades in some places.   Again,  we don’t need to sell this to them,  although we admittedly promote all of our products and services.   We are not shy about our marketing efforts or what we provide.

All this being said, I wanted to pass on to all potential employers and critics of this process comments that have arise unprompted from  two clients, recently.   Both claimed they have hired people, thinking they were good candidates.  Neither client ran credit reports as part of their preemployment screening.   Both regretted that choice.  One cited potential theft, or more to the point, actual theft on the part of one employee with substance abuse habits and lousy credit.  He was to discover this later.  Both clients cited the time and effort they had to spend answering phone calls form creditors for their bad credit employees.  They complained of the paperwork involved with dealing with wage garnishments and responded to letter from creditors.   Took up their time, cost them manpower and extra money. They were not happy.

So no matter which way you come down on the argument about employment credit reports, if you believe the other side lacks valid points then you are sadly mistaken.   As an job candidate, you may feel slighted for being penalized for having bad credit.   As an employer, you may well believe you are in your rights to conduct credit checks on all potential hires.

Like most things in life, we would like to see it in simple terms.  It’s not.   And that is the only thing that is clear about the matter.

By Gordon Basichis

Gordon Basichis is the Co-Founder of Corra Group, specializing in pre-employment background checks and corporate research. He has been a marketing and media executive and has worked in the entertainment industry, the financial, health care and technology sectors. He is the author of the best selling Beautiful Bad Girl, The Vicki Morgan Story, a non-fiction novel that helped define exotic sexuality in the late twentieth century. He is the author of the Constant Travellers and has recently completed a new book, The Guys Who Spied for China, dealing with Chinese Espionage in the United States. He has been a journalist for several newspapers and is a screenwriter and producer.

One reply on “Follow Up On Credit Background Checks”

In survey after survey, including a recent MSNBC survey, more than 90 percent of Americans say that workplace discrimination based upon someone’s personal credit report is wrong and should be illegal. Yet Congress is being bribed by corporate campaign contributors and strong armed by lobbyists to kill the legislation that would make the practice illegal. That is NOT “democracy by the people and for the people.” How can Congress be allowed to thwart the overwhelming will of the people?

Most Americans don’t even know HR3149: The Equal Employment for All Act even exists. What’s more, they don’t know about the corruption and backroom deal making taking place to keep the legislation stalled in the House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

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