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Labor Day and the Changes in PreEmployment Screening

Labor Day was first celebrated in New York, in 1882.   It became a nationally recognized holiday in 1894.

There have been a lot of changes since then.   While the quality of life has improved tremendously, we often find ourselves working harder, well beyond the 40 hour work week that everyone was once striving for.   Some of use find ourselves working, 70, 80, even 100 hours a week.

We work weekends, come in early and often work late into the night.   Although we are allotted weeks of vacation time, many of us don’t ever take the full amount.  With the changing world, and the paradigm that has become necessary, we undergo background checks and various elements of preemployment screening.

Our interview sessions are often multiple and the decision to hire or not will take much longer than it once did.  We negotiate our salary, but we also negotiate our bonuses and added perks.   We once had relative job security, but now we are concerned with downsizing, outsourcing and cost cutting layoffs.

It’s a different world, for sure.   But we still have Labor Day and Labor Day Weekend.   So enjoy it with friends and with family.   Be happy and, above all, be safe.   No statistics on the highway toll.

Best to all.

Check them out before you hire.

By Gordon Basichis

Gordon Basichis is the Co-Founder of Corra Group, specializing in pre-employment background checks and corporate research. He has been a marketing and media executive and has worked in the entertainment industry, the financial, health care and technology sectors. He is the author of the best selling Beautiful Bad Girl, The Vicki Morgan Story, a non-fiction novel that helped define exotic sexuality in the late twentieth century. He is the author of the Constant Travellers and has recently completed a new book, The Guys Who Spied for China, dealing with Chinese Espionage in the United States. He has been a journalist for several newspapers and is a screenwriter and producer.